The Dreams Start Comin' and They Don't Stop Comin' (Come True [2020] with Daniel Kraus)

For our 51st episode, we're taking a quick detour from the Nightmare on Elm Street series to review a different kind of dream-centric horror movie: Come True (2020) from director Anthony Scott Burns! We were big fans of the Father's Day installment of Holidays that Burns directed, and we're very excited to discuss one of his feature-length projects on the pod. And even better, we're joined by a very special guest: Daniel Kraus! We've talked about Daniel's work in the past, particularly praising his comic series The Autumnal published by Vault, so we were absolutely delighted to have a chance to chat with him about a fascinating movie as well as his new book The Ghost That Ate Us!

For more details on The Ghost That Ate Us, you can visit this link via the publisher Raw Dog Screaming Press:…st-that-ate-us/

For more details on Daniel and his work, please visit his website (and please check out The Autumnal):

If you'd like to support our pod and try a new coffee roast at the same time, our collaboration coffee with Rootless Coffee is on sale for the month of September 2022 at the link below!

And as always, thanks so much for listening!


A Nasty Piece of Work (Constantine [2005] with Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein)


All You Need is Courage (The Legend of Boggy Creek)