
Eric, Nick, and Jake love horror movies. They have been watching them together for years, and then in 2020 decided to take the plunge and make a podcast. 

The roots of the podcast lay in an evening spent watching two movies that would quickly become favorites, Resolution and The Endless. The gang decided to do a double feature after stumbling across the V/H/S Viral short “Bonestorm” done by the same creative team (Justin Benson and Aaron Moorehead.) After watching the films they sat around chatting about them for ages. Next time they got together they found themselves still discussing the movies, and many others that they had watched together. 

Around the same time they began putting together “Horror weekends.” Twice a year they would get together with another friend and spend an entire weekend watching horror movies for almost 48 hours straight (there might also have been booze and pizza involved in these events.)

The interest was there but motivation to begin producing a show hadn’t kicked in. That came after Nick and Jake helped form an independent publishing company, Oddity Prodigy Productions, and began working on an anthology of short stories called ‘Scary Stuff.’

Somewhere along the way all of these threads came together and the Scary Stuff Podcast was born. 

Eric, Nick, and Jake may be all business about the podcast, but they still get together and watch movies just for the pure joy of the experience, and if you think they’re long winded on the pod, well, just imagine what they’re like without the microphones!

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Nick is a fan of all things gooey and also of particularly grody monsters. Happy to laugh at the most awful things, his family swears he's really just a big old teddy bear in real life.


Jake is affectionally known as the horror grump. He is the resident found-footage fan. His opinions may or may not change depending on if the Sixers won the day an episode is recorded.


Eric is the pod’s editor, coffee lover and is otherwise thoroughly uninteresting. Hence him being hidden at the bottom of this “About” page. He does however have decent wall art.