Episode 13: Wretched Rumble (Wrestlers in Horror Movies)


Doom is here! Back in Episode Two, Eric laid claim to Episode Thirteen as the day he would subject Jake and Nick to a topic of his choosing, and that day has finally arrived. And being the lone pro-wrestling fan on the pod, the topic Eric chose was "horror movies featuring professional wrestlers." We start with the horror cornerstone of WWE Studios: See No Evil (2006) starring Kane / Glenn Jacobs. Next is Dragon Blue (1996), featuring wrestling legend The Great Muta / Keiji Mutoh. After that we review Fallen Angels (2006) featuring Christy Hemme as the demonic "Lust." And lastly, after teasing "Doom is coming" for months, we make that decidedly literal by reviewing Doom (2005) starring The Rock / Dwayne Johnson. In true wrestling fashion, the episode also features "run-ins" by our previous pod guests Fred Schatz and Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein, so this episode also serves as an oversized finale to our first year (we released two episodes back in our first month). So fix yourself an oversized side of potato salad and settle in for a fun chat spanning wrestling memories of our youth, a lot of laughter, and lot of whimpering, several references to Silk Stalkings and finally four horror movies that are fascinating distillations of their sub-genres. We really hope you enjoy this episode, and thanks so much for listening!!

See No Evil (2006) = 00:15:04
Dragon Blue (1996) = 01:28:49
Fallen Angels (2006) = 02:48:15
Doom (2005) =04:36:09


BONUS: Children of a Lasser Glass (Oculus)


Episode 12: The Scariest Damn Night of the Year (Christmas)