Episode 17: Bad Daddy Blues (The Stepfather Franchise)

After sixteen episodes, Nick decided it was time for a little order on this podcast. So he picked the Stepfather franchise for our topic for Episode 17! In this episode, we're reviewing all three movies of the original series as well as the 2009 remake. And we're joined by two very special guests! For the original Stepfather, we had a fantastic time talking to Preston Fassel (managing editor of the Daily Grindhouse and author of Our Lady of the Inferno). Then for the 2009 remake of The Stepfather, we're joined by actor/musician/podcaster Seth Adam Kallick, who starred in a movie we reviewed on our previous episode: Butterfly Kisses.

You can order Preston's new novella The Despicable Fantasies of Quentin Sergenov wherever you get your books, and you can find Seth's music at sethadamkallick.bandcamp.com.

And as always, thanks for listening!!

The Stepfather = 00:02:43
The Stepfather 2 = 01:56:27
The Stepfather 3 = 03:20:36
The Stepfather (2009) = 04:23:32


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