Episode 14: Frogsie Didn’t Make It (Zombie World Tour)


Welcome to "Season Two" of the Scary Stuff Podcast! It's just over one year since we first launched our pod, so we're celebrating by going back to our zombie beginnings. For our very first episode, we reviewed the entire Return of the Living Dead franchise. So we're kicking off this next series of episodes with a zombie world tour, with each of our hosts picking one movie to review and then a twitter poll determined the fourth. Jake chose The Battery (2012, United States) from pod-favorite creator Jeremy Gardner (and if you haven't checked out After Midnight, his collaboration with Christian Stella, please please do!). Eric's pick is The Girl With All the Gifts (2016, United Kingdom), the adaptation of the novel from writer Mike Carey. Nick's selection is Little Monsters (2019, Australia), from director Abe Forsythe and starring the fabulous Lupita Nyong'o (and decidedly NOT Howie Mandel).  For the fourth and final movie, the winner of the twitter poll was # Alive (2020, South Korea) which is currently available on Netflix. And Jake talks a bit about #Alive's parallel movie Alone as well! Frogsie didn't survive long enough to see this episode's release, but we hope YOU enjoy it. And as always, thanks for listening!

The Battery (2012) = 00:04:31
The Girl With All the Gifts (2016) = 01:31:27
Little Monsters (2019) = 03:00:30
#Alive (2020) = 04:04:52


Episode 15: Carcosa Baby Jesus (Interdimensional Horror)


BONUS: Falling Into the Desert on a Horse with No "E" (Synchronic, feat. David Lawson Jr!!)