Happy Opening Day

Opening Day is one of those unofficial holidays that is celebrated across America. Baseball has long been called “America’s Pastime” and is intrinsically tied with our deep nostalgia for a past that exists only in our sepia-toned memories. 

Spring officially starts in mid-march, but in reality, it begins with the first pitch of the new baseball season. Even if you don’t love the sport, there is something inherently satisfying seeing people playing the great outdoor game in the sunshine after the long, cold winter. 

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One of our favorite directors here at the Scary Stuff Podcast is Jeremy Gardner, who is a huge baseball fan. In our latest episode, we feature his movie “The Battery” about two baseball players thrown together in a zombie apocalypse. It’s probably the scariest movie that features a game of catch ever made. In fact the title comes from the game. “Battery” is a term used for a pitcher and catcher combination, and the movie explores that bond. 

We didn’t really plan to have our current episode featuring baseball hit just a bit before opening day, but it worked out nicely. Doing a horror podcast we don’t have a chance to cover sports movies all that often, so we definitely enjoyed seeing a zombie film that incorporated baseball so strongly. 


Welcome to a new baseball season. Enjoy a couple of hot dogs, maybe some cracker jacks, and cheer on your favorite team. Once the games are done, come on back and check out our discussion of the film.


Giveaway - The Battery & After Midnight Blu-Ray Bundle!


Chatting Comics with Captain Blue Hen