Episode 15 Movie Lineup!

It’s the week after a new episode, so it’s time to announce the movie lineup for Episode 15! We normally do this via twitter, but now we have this spiffy new blog. So let give this a try! :)

We’re doing another theme-centric episode next month, and this time around that theme is “Piercing the Veil.” We’re reviewing a quartet of movies all about crossing through the membrane that separates our dimension from another one. One that’s generally somewhat less pleasant.

With that in mind, our lineup for Episode 15 next month is:
Event Horizon (just in time for the newly released Scream Factory special edition blu-ray!)
Banshee Chapter
Mr. Jones
The Void

This particular theme has been on our to-do list since the earliest days of our pod, so we’re very excited to bring you this new episode next month! Mark your calendars for April 26th, and thanks for listening!


Chatting Comics with Captain Blue Hen


The Yellow Wallpaper